Monday, 10 August 2015

The Theory, The Broccoli and The Cats

Let me start by saying thank you! Its quite a nerve wracking process, writing a blog then publishing. Especially given maternity leave has caused my brain to turn into mush, a little bit like the mush create by Georgia-Rose (G-R) when eating soft fruits! I've received some lovely comments, suggestions and compliments privately about the first pressure for this one then!?!

I wanted to start this post with the science bit so to speak. If you are a Big Bang Theory fan imagine me doing my own version of 'Fun with flags'.

What is the difference between Baby Led Weaning (BLW) and any other type of weaning?
My bible for BLW is 'Baby-led Weaning' by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett (2008) so using their book as a reference...

BLW is as it sounds, letting the baby lead the way when it comes to food, placing them in front or within reach of solid finger food and letting them pick it up and if they are ready putting in their mouth. They control when they do this, how they do this and how much they want.

Weaning as it's more commonly known is often approached with baby rice initially (mixed with breast or formula milk), building to puree's, then onto a lumpy purée and onto finger foods.
As I said in my first blog I'm not going to preach about the best way, the right or wrong way. As parents we choose what is the best approach for our children. My husband and I decided that BLW was our favoured approach for G-R for many reasons, the main ones being...she has two teeth already (this isn't a necessary for BLW but does make difference), she has been really good with her hands and her pincer movement (imagine a crab here!) is great too. However the main reason is G-R herself has always led us...she chooses when to have milk, she told us (not with words!) when she wanted to move her bed time and with all her grunts and screeches tells us when she wants something or doesn't as the case may be!

How is it going?

This week we've tried all sorts...Monday was peach day, Tuesday broccoli, Wednesday
Sweet potato, Thursday more peach and an organic baby wafer, Friday Apple and baby sweet corn, Saturday crumpet and pear, Sunday crumpet and banana (with an attempt at mange tout) and today so far pear again.

Top tip...broccoli and nappies...let's just say broccoli is that gift that keeps in giving!

So we are now up to two meals a day...well let me clarify, these aren't meals like us adults imagine with a plate full of food, it's a few bits that G-R can choose to pick up and eat.

Overall we're doing well, the contents of her nappy show us she is eating a nice amount of food. Last week for the first time G-R dropped a breast feed, an afternoon one, with all weaning types this does happen gradually and although she hasn't done it since it was an insight for me and my body about how it will feel. A few issues this week is that by spending the weekend with family we now take even more of the house with us, so I felt bad taking over other peoples living rooms. On the other hand though our family loved watching her eating, she went into show off mode and was smiling at everyone with mouthfuls of food!

Our other issue...two of them. One named Bibi and one named Gizmo, our cats! G-R gets so distracted by them as she is eating that eating takes a fair while to get started. One of those small things we all need to get used to. Not sure they will stick around once she starts throwing bits of food at them!

Thanks again for reading, I'm looking forward to writing week three and all the fun and game a BLW will continue to bring us!


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