Friday, 28 August 2015

London Ladies Lunch

Hi Everyone! Sorry for the delay in posting this weeks blog we've been playing tourists of London!

I ended last weeks blog hinting I'd be getting my 'bake on' (how to make baking sound more hip...London has got to me). I was keen to bake something easy and simple that could be frozen,
something G-R could eat if we were out and about, a lunch time food. I settled on a Cheese and Broccoli Muffin recipe from the Baby Led Weaning website. I was slightly nervous about baking as although I consider myself a bit of a baker the last experimental cake I did was a disaster...either raw or too much banana (we couldn't tell?!?).

With my apron on and my sous chef G-R in her high chair with toys a plenty to throw around the room I began...and how easy it was. I would highly recommend this recipe, for adults perhaps a tad mild on the cheese front but for babies, well the picture below says it all.

My best friends baby boy (a Boxing Day baby with a smile that melts your heart) also tried some and loved it. What a lovely feeling, making something and knowing your baby and others love it.

Out and About

Baby Led Weaning is not all about staying in, the safety our own high chair, under mat, an array of
bibs etc...well quite frankly we'd never see anyone or go anywhere if all G-R's meals were at home!
This week we've gone from one extreme to another. Sunday was G-R's first Sunday roast experience, she loved having bits of beef and seasonal vegetables and had it not been for a skipped nap I may have shared some fruit salad with her...alas dessert was skipped for the sake of our fellow diners ear drums!


With work being done at home we decided to play house at my parents place in London. This allowed me and G-R to become culture vultures with a trip to the Tate Modern and British Museum. Before the Tate we meet a friend and her gorgeous little girl who is one, and with both the little ladies in high chairs we shared some of our lunch. I learnt a valuable lesson here... pack more snack bits for G-R or even order something for me that she could share, the haloumi wrap I had (though a gift from the flavour god) had a lot of spice so I decided to steer clear of sharing it. She did happily tuck into a flat bread and blueberry cracker. I did feel for the waitress who saw us packing up to leave and had to embark on the mega floor sweep from not just one BLW child but two!

On Tuesday, feeling more organised off we went to the British Museum. After G-R slept through most of the Greek pots and European Clocks we stopped for a mid afternoon snack. Happily and loudly she snacked on some pear whilst I had a cheeky brownie. As I've said in previous blogs, a sign that little miss is happy with the choice of food is when she is chatting away...anyone who has been to the British Museum will know the central area is very echoey...a good job we weren't too close to any priceless glass wear!

So my top tip for any BLW mums and dads...pack some snack bits. Some chopped up cucumber (great for teething), fruit like pear or apple (not to messy but easy to eat) goes down a treat either as a snack or to add to a meal you are sharing.

We are still really impressed with how G-R is doing and it is really enjoyable. Four weeks in and I've realised that not worrying about food being slipped off the high chair tray or food being rubbed in her hair, eyes, nose etc and just sitting watching her is simply wonderful. Baby Led Wonderful...that's awful, sorry....less puns more chat next week!


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